Gucci Hallucination Spring Summer 2018 campaign

Gucci raises the bar yet again with their new advervtising campaign for its Hallucination Spring Summer 2018 collection or SS18. Using a film, the hashtag #guccihallucination, and the amazing digital artwork by London based Spanish artist Ignasi Monreal. Monreal captures the eclectic vision that Gucci embodies as can be seen in his above image of the Snow White story reenacted with the princess animated jumper. He also features in the campaigns film, portraying the curator of the Gucci Gallery which explores the relationship between art and fashion, and states:
“Sometimes a painting is as much about what it doesn’t show you as what it does”
In this very exclusive collection there will be only 200 of each t-shirt design and a 100 of the sweatshirt design, each individually numbered. Also Gucci has made Monreal’s artwork interactive for customers at selected stores around the world where it will be on display as sticker artwork, so you’ll be able to connect to a microsite through the Gucci app and allow a 360-degree panoramas of his work, and just to making it even cooler there will be chairs and mannequins in the store windows admiring his work as they would in a gallery or cinema. Gucci has put the G in Genius once again.
(Image: Copyright Gucci, Ignasi Monreal, ©. Campaign by Simmonds Ltd, London)